Friday, May 21, 2010

Yet another food entry!!

If theBF have not exclaimed over the phone just now with "WAD? BUFFET AGN?!", i wouldnt have notice this is gona be yet another food entry about yet another buffet! lol.

And so, the TP Clique finally met up!!!!! =) Everyone's been sooo busy with work (and me, school) but i'm glad Twitter kept me in contact with each other and finally, a proper gathering. Michelle Tay, come back soon to make TP clique complete!!

We had steamboat buffet at HEY HEY HOTPOT @ Pomo, a steamboat outlet opened by Terence Cao! They had a whole rangle of soup bases for us to choose from, and we decided on the WinterMelon soup, as recommended by Suz.

Look at how cute the wintermelon was in the pot!! The staff insisted that they cut up the winter melon and we each try a bowl of their soup before we put all our raw items in because it's suppose to be "MSG-free and prepared for 8 hrs"

And boy, the soup was REALLY yummy on its own already =)

First round: We got to try ALL food items on the ala-carte menu without having to order them individually. They even included some dimsum items and fried snacks like fried chicken wings and sweet potatoes fritters!

The food were pretty much the same for all other steamboat outlets..but...2 items caught my attention:

BEEF SLICES, found on top of a pack of ice, AND FRIED BANANA FRITTERS!!! From far, i actually thought we were given sashimi. haha.

Second Round: We ordered some fried wantons that were not in the menu, top up on some steamboat items and con't our gossiping. Nom nom noms....

Well, how can we end our gathering without our usual cam-whoring sessions IN THE TOILET? hahahaa.
All these pics, are the best out of many many many blurred/wrongly focused ones! haha.
The Glam...

And the Unglam..

LOL. i seriously look damn cui in the unglam pics -_-"

Oh before i forget, here's what ZX got for me and suz frm Taiwannnn:

So cuteeeee

Ok, nights all! Need to wake up and get stocks for Yventually tml morning! Wish me luck!!!

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