Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It's been some time since i met up with Sally and a longggggg time since we indulged in Thai cuisine so when we walked past Siam Kitchen @ Suntec City today and saw their Buffet Dinner promo, we were mad excited =))

Before that, let's take a look at what S, SH and i wore today...

I swear it's pure coincidence! But this also shows the biggest supporters of Yventually, are my lovely group of friends! haha.

Anywayssss...the buffet we went to:

We got served a bowl of crackers before our dishes came (which later became $1 surcharge on our receipt -.-") and we were really happy because i was famished from skipping lunch and the crackers tasted REALLY good with the Thai chilli =)

According to S and SH, they told the waitress they wanted "everything on the APPETIZER menu" but look what came after 10minutes...

THE WHOLE MENU OF FOOD CAME. lol. i bet the cook in the kitchen must have thought he was cooking for a table of 4 men, instead of 3 girls! haha. We tried every single item on the table, some were good (i like the Thai fish cake and pineapple rice, AROY MAAK!), some were too cold to my liking (i always believe basil chicken should be served HOT) and some were not too bad!

Well, at least all these food satisfy my Thai cuisine craving for the time being.

And how can i forget my fave thai drink...CHA YEN (Thai ice milk tea)! yummmmm yummm =)

Using my broken Thai (which i haven been using since my last BKK trip)..

dichan rak aahaan thay. i love Thai food.

leew phop khan may! See you next time!

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