Thursday, May 13, 2010

Under my "Favorites" tab..

Because of Yventually, i have multiple bag blogs under my "Favorites" tab..but among all these "work"-related websites, there is one particular website that i would like to share with you guys...

I came across this photography blog through a friend's blog and i was HOOKED. Every now and then, i wld hop over to this blog to ogle at any new pictures Jason (The photog) uploaded. What makes this blog different?

Everyone, say "AWWWWW"!
These 2 beautiful girls are Jason's kids and boy, im so jealous that their Dad can take such AWESOME pictures! haha. Reading J's blog is extremely heartwarming..and though i doubt i will ever see these girls for real (they are based in U.S), i kinda feel like i have seen the 2 kids grow up right before my very eyes! =)
Now if only Jason is Yventually's official photographer......
Ok, im dreaming. Toodles!!

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