Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bird Park!!

I was thinking about the stuff i did before my exams started in April and it suddenly occurred to me that i have HELL LOT of pics to post for my...

Bird Park trip with theBF! Entrance fees were waived because we get to use his NS pass and we figured, why not?

And guess who went on a day trip with us?

Doggy and Ninja!!!!! HAHA. They are the soft toys A and i co-owned =)
As much as the whole world thinks we are a childish couple, we dun quite care~ hahaha.

And so our first stop: FLAMINGOs

These 2 pics below are an attempt to show the "artistic" side of the camera-man (aka BF). haha.

Then we visited the OWLS!
i hated the cold, black halls we had to walk through in order to view the owls without disturbing them. It's really eery, especially with those big owl eyes staring back at you most of the time. *shrugs*

They have REALLY ADORABLE signboards though!!

Walked all the way to their exibition hall..and was elated to find the hall FULLY AIRCONDITIONED. wheeeee. I was perspiring like a pig pls.

Oh bf, what ENORMOUS EYE you have! lol.

More random shots of bird-feeding, birds making out (Opps..), doggy, ninja and US!

And how can we visit the Bird Park w/o watching their performances?? Well, i doubt the performances changed over the past 10 yrs but still, pretty enjoyable i would say!
Having hawks/vultures fly above you is quite exciting!!

Last but not least, pics of the cutest things in my bag that day...

They blended in the pics SO well. hahaha.

Good night y'all! Yventually launching at 11am tml!! Don't forget ;)

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