Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello world,

i'm finally back to blog, with a whole new platform and name =) Now that school's out (and the fun finally kicks in!!), hopefully this blog will be filled with more interesting pics in time to come! *excited*

Alright, for my very first post, it's going to be all abt...POST-EXAMS FUN!
This sem, exams is especially stressful. Not because the modules are really hard, it's because i was caught up with so many things, OTHER than revision. First, it was the screwups with the Alexa bag (more abt tt next time), then it's the reschedule of my BKK trip due to the protests. So, BOY WAS I RELIEVED im done with exams. Enuff talking.


Tried the new cereal pizza over at Pizza Hut on the very last day of exams with SH n Nisha! =) We were famished after our 5pm paper.

Nisha, is EXTREMELY hungry as you can see. hahaha.

Verdict for the pizza? I like the cereal bits on the crust, but being a weird person who hates dough (i hate bread =X), i still prefer thin crust pizzas from places like Timbre and all. But still, because i was too hungry aft exams, i still ate a WHOLE LOT. hahaha.

If u r reading my post at night, im sorry to tempt u! lol.

POST EXAMS #2 - Marriot Hotel High Tea

High tea with the girls i've known for more than 10 yrs, is pleasure =) It's amazing how 4 girls of extremely different tastes can get along so well, and basically hang around each other all the time.

And so we decided to venture into yet another new eatery! I was wearing my 20bucks AE dress that i managed to dig out in a school bazaar. Loving the dress! And perhaps because it was one of those rare occasions that i can actually squeeze into AE apparels. haha.


I made my own Muah Chee!! Like literally cut the dough from the hot plate and mix it with the peanut chips!! Well, i took 15mins thanks to my clumsy hands though. haha.

Anyhows, I don't think the High Tea buffet we went was actually fantastic, given its high price ($35++) but oh wells, it's a good try. I love their prawn mee and banana ice cream though!

Any high tea buffet that i can try next time? =)

Oh and yes, we tried to take a grp pic in the toilet. Asked the janitor for help, she took a good 15 mins to learn how to hold my cam and here's the results...

EPIC FAIL!!! haha.

Okie dokie, got to hit the covers now..Gona rush dwn to supplier tml and then prepare for mass meetup! See u all tml!! =)


  1. Welcome back to blogging! U took super long lor! Try the high tea buffet at goodwood park hotel next time! But with me n shuhui! E food is good! Really gd!

  2. I have that AE dress toooo!
    Haha can you teach me how to make muah chee? :x
    Meet up soon! :DD


  3. Sally: HAHA. i know i procastinated for SO long. Was deciding between wordpress and blogger actually! I had high tea dim sum buffet before already!! but can go with u and sh next time yup! =)

    ZX: REALLY!! i bot it at $20 becoz Agnes said it was the very last piece! hee. Oh, the muah chee is already prepared..just cut the dough and mix it into the peanut chips bowl! but im clumsy =X
