Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baking Lesson 101 with Chef Wong

I'm home, on this (bloody) hot afternoon, after a satisfying baking lesson conducted by Chef Sally Wong at her place! hahaha. I don't deny im a huge failure when it comes to cooking/baking and i blame my mum for it, as she is such a wonderful cook! haha. Therefore, i jumped at the chance of learning baking from Sally when she tweeted about her plans to do so a few days ago =)

What did we bake? PEANUT BUTTER AND WHITE CHOCOLATE BLONDIES (brownie) according to Rachel Allen's recipe!

Had a gd lunch at Sally's place before we started! Now i know why she can cook so well (hello, my dear friend can cook mee hoon kuay at home! Beat that!) coz she took after her mum!! =)

Yummy lunch:

Then it was OFF TO WORK!

Our recipe and ingredients..Sally is seriously damn gung-ho..she just copied down the recipe during the Rachel Allen show so we barely had proper step-by-step procedures to follow! Everything was done based on Sally's experience and memory from the show! haha.
Step one: Prepare 100g of butter ...

Ok, tt's me, with minimal makeup. pardon me. =P

Step 2: Prepare 150g of peanut butter...and cream both items till it becomes soft and creamy.

Step 3: Add 175g of brown sugar, an egg, a teaspoon of vanilla essence and chopped white chocolate to the mixture. Mix them all up.

Step 4: Sieve 125g of plain flour into 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Step 5: Pour everything together...and MIX MIX MIX to form a dough!

Step 6: Place the dough into our aluminium trays and bake in the preheated oven for 30mins!

Here's the chef checking if the brownie is too soft...



I would say the brownie turned out to be pretty successful! The peanut butter taste wasn't too mild and the addition of the white chocolates made sure the brownie was not too bland! So happyyyyy. And of coz, i had to take pics of my first home-made brownies!

And...shi-fu of the day....SALLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY! *claps*

Hope everyone had fun reading this post as much as i had fun baking =D

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