Thursday, June 3, 2010

About Food and Friends =)

Lunch Date with theBF

Last weekend, A and i went dating at Bugis Junction because...

The so-called "FAMOUS LEGENDARY CHICKEN" has arrived in Singapore!! According to some reviews and all, this chicken outlet is a direct competitor of Barcelos (which by the way, tasted normal to me and A =X) and so off we went to have lunch at...


We have heard abt the horrible queue but to our surprise, when we reached at 3pm, the queue was really short! Woots! Maybe it's because of the weird timing we decided to appear. haha.

Anyway, theBF insisted i take a pic of the kid in front of us because he kept staring at my gigantic DSLR. =X I actually thought he looks VERY MATURE for his age, don't you think?

Ordered a 1/4 chicken each with side dishes (Potato salad and chips)...and happily await the arrival of my food!

At Nando's, you get to choose the spiciness of the chicken. Because im a scaredy cat, i picked "mild hotness" while theBF picked "Hot" but guess wad? They mixed up our orders and when the food came, my chicken was AS SPICY AS A's =( My mouth was numb after a few bites. BOOOOO.

The good thing is, becoz the chicken is not as well marinated so the inner part of the chicken is not spicy...BUT don't you think that is also the BAD point of the food? oh wells. *shrugs*

Overall, my Nando's experience was just alright. Food is not exactly as good as i predicted and the service was a tad slow due to the crowd. Maybe the outlets abroad is much better? Anyone?

L4 Gathering

Decided with meet up with the girls before KT flies off to Beijing for summer programme. Yes, "KT" is NOT me but my dear friend who has the SAME chinese name as me. What is the odds of knowing someone with the same name right? haha.

Anyways, we went to Oriole Cafe & Bar upon reading LadyIronChef's recommendation! It's situated at Pan Pacific Suites, next to 313@Somerset.

I actually like the atmosphere, ie the dim lightings and all. And knowing that they won the National Barista competition some time ago, we ordered their coffee! Loving the coffee art~

We ordered the Fish&Chips, Portobello Mushroom and Beef Cheek Tagliatelle for the night...

i thought CL's fish&chips were pretty delicious! As for my beef pasta, i was actually surprised to smell a Tangerine smell when i was mixing the dish and i thought the smell came from KT's orange-flavored coffee but boy, was i wrong! It was from my food! Wad a cool idea to add tangerine to the pasta =)

After dinner desserts was spent at Cold Rock Creamary @ 313 itself~ Honestly, i think the ice cream there are OVER-rated. Nothing special, besides the preparation process mebe? I'll did be more thrilled if i can do the mixing myself. HAHA.

MEETUP @ Marina Square

Met up with the 2 of my craziest girlfriends and Sam after my mass meetup on Tues~ They tried interrupting my session and scared one of my customers. Seriously, my friends should get strangled by me sometimes. HAHA. but i <3 them because they have been my biggest support (SH n Nisha) since some unhappy stuff happened last month =)

Went to Manhatten Fish Market (reluctantly) because its (1) Halal and (2) Nisha insisted. HAHA.

Sam and i shared a seafood platter for 2 and i was a little shocked by how PUNY the platter is, considering it's for 2? I think the one @ Fish&Co is 1/4 bigger!!

Then came Nisha's fav part of the meetup, CAM-WHORING by HERSELF. hahahaha.

And while Sam was busy candid-shooting, he took a HILARIOUS pic of SH. and im crossing my fingers now tt SH doesnt have time to view my blog becoz she will KILL me. hahahaha. Here it is:


We intended to get a drink from Starbucks, but ended up "borrowing" their premises for our own cam-whoring. No, we didnt get a drink. We took pics, then left =X OPS.

To make up for the funny pic i posted of SH earlier on, here' s a pic of my pretty friend (see, im nice. hehehe) and her catch from those "UFO machine" with just A DOLLAR. I spent $5 and caught..NOTHING. ok, unfair. HAHAHAHA.

That's all~~~

1 comment:

  1. Ok I feel so dumb. All along I thought it was called a DSL. So no, it's DSLR 0_o...and yeah, I've gone new eateries to go to again!
